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Tristin Green

Professor of Law & William M. Rains Fellow

Loyola LA Law School

Tristin Green is a Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.  She specializes in laws affecting inequality, especially employment discrimination law. Green often draws on the social sciences in her work to better understand how discrimination operates and how laws can be better framed and implemented to reduce discrimination and enhance equality. She has authored more than twenty chapters, articles, and essays, which have appeared in the Southern California Law Review, Yale Law Journal Forum, Harvard Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law Review, and California Law Review, among others. Her book, Discrimination Laundering: The Rise of Organizational Innocence and the Crisis of Equal Opportunity Law, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2017.  She is currently working on a second book, Racial Emotion at Work: Dismantling Discrimination and Building Racial Justice in the Workplace, due out with UC Press in fall 2023.