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Greg Reilly


Chicago-Kent College of Law

Greg Reilly is an Associate Professor of Law at Illinois Tech Chicago-Kent College of Law, where he is also the Associate Dean for Faculty and Research and a Freehling Scholar His research and teaching interests are at the intersection of intellectual property and federal courts/procedure, with a particular focus on how institutions and decision makers resolve patent disputes. His projects have focused on administrative cancellation of issued patents; the fit between patent doctrines and the relevant decision makers; patent claim construction; patent litigation reform; and the efforts of the Eastern District of Texas to attract patent cases. Professor Reilly's work is published in the Boston University Law Review, Southern California Law Review, Washington University Law Review, and Notre Dame Law Review, among other places. Professor Reilly previously held a tenure-track appointment at California Western School of Law, was a Harry A. Bigelow Teaching Fellow and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago Law School, practiced patent and appellate litigation at Morrison & Foerster LLP, and clerked for Judge Timothy B. Dyk of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and summa cum laude from Georgetown University.