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David Eddy

Special Counsel and Acting Chief Counsel to the Chairman

Federal Labor Relations Authority

David S. Eddy III is the Special Counsel, and the Acting Chief Counsel, to Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) Chairman Susan Tsui Grundmann.  At the FLRA, David also has served as:  the Special Counsel, and Acting Chief Counsel, to Chairman Ernie DuBester; the Chief Counsel to Chairmen Colleen Duffy Kiko and Carol Waller Pope; a Supervisory Attorney for Chairman Pope; an Attorney-Advisor for then-Member Pope and for Chair Phyllis N. Segal; and a detailee to the FLRA’s San Francisco Regional Office.  David also worked at the National Labor Relations Board, where he was the Assistant Chief Counsel for Representation Appeals, a Senior Counsel or Attorney-Advisor for several Board members, and a detailee to the Solicitor’s Office.  He also served as the Assistant General Counsel for Administrative Law at the U.S. International Trade Commission.  David has a BA in Philosophy and Political Science from the University of Rochester; a JD from Cornell Law School; and a Certificate of Public Management from the USDA Graduate School, in conjunction with George Washington University.  He also completed the Senior Managers in Government program at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.